
Module Contents#



The Miner class is an abstract base class that defines the structure for Bittensor miners.



class miner.OpenAIMiner(api_key=None, *args, **kwargs)#

Bases: prompting.baseminer.miner.Miner

The Miner class is an abstract base class that defines the structure for Bittensor miners. Subclasses should implement the prompt method to define their own response logic. The blacklist and priority methods can also be overridden to provide custom logic.


api_key (Optional[str]) –

classmethod add_args(parser)#

Adds OpenAI-specific arguments to the command line parser.

This class method introduces command-line arguments that pertain specifically to the OpenAI GPT model’s completion settings, such as temperature, max tokens, and model name. Developers extending or utilizing this method can easily customize the miner’s operation by providing these arguments when starting the miner.


parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – The command line argument parser to which the OpenAI-specific arguments should be added.


Consider adding or adjusting arguments here if introducing new features or parameters related to OpenAI’s model completion.


Provides the configuration for the OpenAIMiner.

This method returns a configuration object specific to the OpenAIMiner, containing settings and parameters related to the OpenAI model and its interaction parameters. The configuration ensures the miner’s optimal operation with the OpenAI model and can be customized by adjusting the command-line arguments introduced in the add_args method.


A configuration object specific to the OpenAIMiner, detailing the OpenAI model settings and operational parameters.

Return type:



If introducing new settings or parameters for OpenAI or the miner’s operation, ensure they are properly initialized and returned in this configuration method.


Overrides the Miner’s abstract prompt method to process incoming requests using OpenAI.

This method makes use of the OpenAI GPT model to generate completions for the incoming requests. When implementing or extending this method, developers should ensure that the synapse object contains both roles and messages fields. The roles field describes the type of each message (e.g., system, user), while the messages field contains the actual content of each message.


synapse (Prompting) –

The incoming request object. Must contain:
  • roles: List of roles for each message, e.g., [“system”, “user”]. Describes the origin or type of each message.

  • messages: List of actual message content corresponding to each role.

The combination of roles and messages forms a conversation context for the model.


The response object containing the model’s generated completion. This is essentially the filled synapse request object with an added completion field which contains the model’s response.

Return type:



Developers extending this method should ensure proper handling of both roles and messages from the synapse object to maintain the conversation context. Additionally, consider adjusting OpenAI-specific parameters (e.g., temperature, max_tokens) in the config to tailor the response generation process.
