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LAST EDIT:Jan 3, 2024

Checklist for Subnet

When you are preparing to be a subnet validator or a subnet miner, use the below checklist to get ready. Read the documentation for the existing subnets to accomplish these checklist items:

  1. See the subnets that are active on the Bittensor network.
  2. Understand what kind of digital commodities these subnets are creating and optimizing.
  3. Understand what sort of computing requirements are best suited for running a subnet miner or a subnet validator in these subnets.
Node requirements

For example, see Minimum compute requirements for compute, memory, bandwidth and storage requirements for a subnet node, i.e., for a subnet neuron.

  1. Come to a decision on which subnet suits you best, based on the expertise you can provide and the cost of computing you can bear. Read the subnet documentation for guidance on which subnet works best for you.
  2. Select your first choice subnet.
  3. Register on this subnet and secure a UID slot. This will cost you TAO.
Register and participate

See Register and Participate for how to participate as a subnet miner or a subnet validator.

  1. Know that when you secure a UID slot in a subnet on the main chain, this TAO is sunk cost. This is one way to prevent you from hogging all the UID slots in various subnets. Nevertheless, you can indeed be a subnet validator or subnet miner in as many subnets as you can afford and expect to be successful. You will just have to manage them carefully.
  2. Keep in mind that to become a subnet miner, you must secure a UID by paying the registration cost, but to become a subnet validator, you must not only pay to secure the UID slot, you must also stake enough TAO.
  3. You can only be an active subnet validator if you are in the group of 64 subnet validators who have the validator permit.
LAST EDIT:Jan 3, 2024